The compliments of: Marketing and Event Manager
Hi both,
I just wanted to say a belated ‘thank you so much’ for all your help and everything that you did last week. Feedback has been SUPERB and everyone said that the Fox event was by far the best. Thank you both for all your hard work and for giving up your lives for Fox for the week. We hugely appreciate it. Here’s to next year…! I hope you’ve both caught up on your rest and had a lovely weekend.
Hope to speak soon.
Thanks again,
(Marketing and Event Manager of a large American multimedia-cooperation)
The compliments of: Jacques
I don’t know who is in charge of this, but I would like to say that I think that our current taxi-company (Verhoef, is it?) is superb! Smart cars, nice and capable drivers, nice driving, etc. I’d say, let’s stick with them! Just so we’re clear; I don’t get a commission! Best, Jacques
The compliments of: Stafmedewerkster Directoraat-generaal
I would like to thank you for the excellent bus and the excellent driver (Nico Buissant). The visit to Rotterdam was a great success.
Kind regards,
(Staff-employee Directorate-General of the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency)
The compliments of: Voorzitter van een overheidsadviesorgaan
Chariperson of a counseling body.
The compliments of: ...
Service Company
About Verhoef
Verhoef Service Company is the specialist in the field of travel and transportation.